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Wednesday, October 12, 2005


I was going out of my mind last Monday because of a message my GM sent to me: "Bunny, please see me before you leave for the day."

Unfortunately (although I felt fortunate at that time), I had to leave work early and GM said she would just talk to me the next day.

Tuesday came and I was fretting because she sent me another message. This time, it went, "Please make yourself available after 1pm. I need to speak to you."

It sounded bad. Even when a couple of colleagues assured me I had nothing to worry about, I felt it was going to be bad. And I spent the whole day yesterday racking my brain for anything bad that I might have done at work, that would be justifiable grounds for the company to fire me. And the thing is, I couldn't come up with any. Except for coming in late a few times last week, I had nothing on me. I really had nothing.

At around 2pm, I stepped into her office and she was holding my evaluation papers. And she starts by saying that although my final rating isn't out yet, she would like to let me know what marks she gave me on my evaluation.(This is the 2nd one for the year)

Oh God, maybe I did really bad this time..., I thought to myself.

Apparently not. I actually got pretty good marks. Of course, there's a lot of room for improvement but I'm a tad proud to say that the ratings my GM gave me was not bad at all.

So here was the thing--the reason for the meeting. She and the president of the company have been discussing for the longest time how I would be a big help to the other department. However, they are also worried that the department I am handling now might go haywire if I leave. (For the record, I'm not trying to say I'm indispensable because God knows no one is.)

My self-esteem was given a little boost when I was compared to the girl who previously managed the department and to quote my GM, "I'm really glad you were able to fix things."

The other department works the night shift because they deal with foreign clients. It's new but its growing so fast. Right now, my friend who manages the team has 35 people under her and my GM is worried because thats just too much and she doesn't want my friend to get burned out. The department will grow to 60 very soon and she wants to divide the department into 2. 30 agents for me, 30 for my friend. The downside is that I'm not sure how comfortable I am working the night shift. Once in a while is fine but for good? Uh uh. Plus I only get to enjoy U.S. holidays which we know isn't much compared to Philippine holidays. The nice thing about moving is, its a new challenge and pay will be higher what with night differential and all.

If I move, I need to pick someone from my team who I feel can take over. If I decide to stay, well, I get to keep my job and there's a big possibility I will be sent to Naga for a month to train the new people working at our office there, which is currently being built.

"I'm sure you'll have fun in Naga! Imagine, you can go on roadtrips and since Sorsogon is nearby, you can go diving with the Butandings! Plus, you'll still have internet and VOIP so you'll still get to talk to your boyfriend!", my bubbly GM says.

I have to decide before the long weekend, which is officially on the 28th. I'm more inclined to stick to my current job. I'm happy here. But what do you think?

about moi

Loves the beach, wishes she had more time and money to travel, recently got hooked to climbing mountains, reads anything she can get her hands on, frustrated writer, adores her 3-year-old Lhasa Apso, Tashi, constantly needs caffeine, wonders when she'll quit smoking, and will most likely die due to liver complications from drinking too much (if the cigarettes doesn't get to her lungs first). Can't live without accessories especially big, dangling earrings, shoe freak (aren't we all?), sucker for discovering hole-in-the-wall restaurants, will ingest anything spicy, enjoys giving and receiving massages, addicted to Friends, Sex and the City and CSI, goes gaga over kids, dreams of being alone with Jim Morrison and smoking a joint with Bob Marley. Would love to party with Gwen Stefani, shop with Patricia Field, write poetry with Maya Angelou and have Sting, Nelson Mandela, Mark Twain and Bono over for dinner.

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Platform Wedge Sandals by Michael Kors
Semiprecious chain earrings by Cynthia Dugan

Semiprecious chain earrings by Cynthia Dugan
Thump by Oakley (mp3 player and shades in one!)
Thump by Oakley (mp3 player and shades in 1!)

quotable quote

"Love is not love, which alters when it alteration finds."
~William Shakespeare, Sonnet cxvi

in my book bag

I Know Why the Caged 

Bird Sings by Maya Angelou


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