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Tuesday, August 24, 2004


This entry goes out to my dear friend, Bea, who owns one of the prettiest smiles I have ever seen.

When I was a kid, Mama told me to always smile. She says that smiling will pay off when I get older because I won't have to worry about wrinkles and looking old.

In 5th grade, I read Pollyanna and kept to heart what she said about looking at the brighter side of life.

Last week, I was going through my friendster testimonials and noticed that almost all my testimonials had one thing in common: they all mentioned how I'm always smiling and how I'm happy all the time.

I've been described as Sunny Bunny with the infectious laugh, a happy camper, the girl with the perennial smile on her face, always happy, forever bubbly, etc. L even said he liked me because of my smile and that it will always be my smile.

In this month's Cosmo, I read an article on how smiling can make you feel and look more beautiful. It works wonders, I tell you.

But I have my bad days. Like today.

It's the day after someone you care about tells you that things will really not work out, no matter how many times you try.

It's a day after you've realized that at one point, you've got to give up on the battle that you've been fighting, that is the love you have for this person.

It's a day after you've heard him say, "We're growing apart".

It's a day after you've realized that there will be no kilig proposals and wedding plans looming in the horizon.

And that you won't be wearing your company's dainty maternity clothes in the next couple of years. Hehehehe!

It's the day after you are once again, officially and undeniably, S-I-N-G-L-E.

But the past hour has left me smiling because I have great friends who I think are perfect. Who I think belong to the bright side of my life. Friends who drank with me last night, ate super duper kunat chicharon and laughed so hard with me till 2am. Friends who gave me the best hand massage, ever. Friends who sang Avril Lavigne's, "Happy Ending" with me (with feelings). Friends who told me that I should be happy because someone new is bound to love me and isn't that something to look forward to?

And that's why I'm Sunny Bunny (the infectious laugh ain't my fault. tee-hee!). It's why I'm a happy camper. It's really why I have such a happy disposition. Because even when one person tells me that "we are not going to work because we are growing apart and we have different interests", I have a million other people who I can rely on to tell me otherwise.

about moi

Loves the beach, wishes she had more time and money to travel, recently got hooked to climbing mountains, reads anything she can get her hands on, frustrated writer, adores her 3-year-old Lhasa Apso, Tashi, constantly needs caffeine, wonders when she'll quit smoking, and will most likely die due to liver complications from drinking too much (if the cigarettes doesn't get to her lungs first). Can't live without accessories especially big, dangling earrings, shoe freak (aren't we all?), sucker for discovering hole-in-the-wall restaurants, will ingest anything spicy, enjoys giving and receiving massages, addicted to Friends, Sex and the City and CSI, goes gaga over kids, dreams of being alone with Jim Morrison and smoking a joint with Bob Marley. Would love to party with Gwen Stefani, shop with Patricia Field, write poetry with Maya Angelou and have Sting, Nelson Mandela, Mark Twain and Bono over for dinner.

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blog worthy

Bitch, please
Blue Arden
Born to Ride
Caffeine Rush
Car Driver
Reaching for Chocolate Stars and Sapphire Dreams
Click mo mukha mo!
Closet Introvert
Color in a Gray Cube
Confessions of a Coke Addict
Confessions of an OJT Killer
Creating Space 101
Din's World
Emerald Pastures
Hungry Alien
I came, I saw, I blogged
Intelektwal Interkors
Lavander Kitten
Lone Star Psychedelia
Mighty Girl
Modified Memories
Nocturnal Angel
Not Square
Of Life and Peanuts
One Seater Plane
Pile o'smeg
*Photo Seko
Pinay Hekmi
Purple Beanie
Purple Toes
Renaissance Girl
Rock the Boat
Sabitski Point
Stories Under the Sun
Sunny Side Up
Table for One
Ten Years Later
The Blurb
The Digital Pinoy
The Dork Side
The Ultimate BlogHopper
Tinggay Forever
Undiscussable Realms
Unica Hija
Warcar: no bumper
What a Pansy Fancies
White Sky Project
Wytch's Brew
*freshly added


Platform Wedge Sandals by Michael Kors
Semiprecious chain earrings by Cynthia Dugan

Semiprecious chain earrings by Cynthia Dugan
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Thump by Oakley (mp3 player and shades in 1!)

quotable quote

"Love is not love, which alters when it alteration finds."
~William Shakespeare, Sonnet cxvi

in my book bag

I Know Why the Caged 

Bird Sings by Maya Angelou


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